We guarantee you the lowest price if you book directly with us.
Websites such as booking.com or Expedia ask commissions for your bookings and therefore the prices shown there are always more expensive for you.
Our rooms are not suitable for children under the age of 16 years.
Prices are per room per night (from 2 nights minimum), including breakfast, parking, Wi-Fi and all taxes. Prices 2025.
Low season1 |
Season2 |
High season3 |
Chambre Ivoire | € 140,- | € 160,- | € 180,- |
Chambre Rouge | € 120,- | € 140,- | € 160,- |
Chambre Verte | € 130,- | € 150,- | € 170,- |
1 January 4th – March 31st, November 1st – December 22th
2 April 1st – May 19th, October 1st – 31st, December 23th- 31st, January 1st – 3rd
3 May 20th – September 30th
Also see our terms and conditions and our special MASSAGE services.
Privacy policy
Our Mission
At Villa Cédria we are dedicated to protecting your privacy and safeguarding your personally identifiable information.
Information Collection
Our main purpose in collecting your personal information is to provide you with a streamlined experience in making reservations at Villa Cédria. We only collect information about you that we consider necessary for achieving this. Personally identifiable information is only obtained when making a reservation.
We sometimes use data collection devices such as “cookies” on the Site to measure effectiveness and safety. A “cookie” is a small file that gets placed on your harddrive that helps us provide our services. You are free to decline cookies if you choose to.
We may also occasionally use third part platforms to better focus our advertising online. The main platforms used are Facebook, Instagram and Google.
We may also collect email addresses for the purpose of connecting with past, present and future guests. These email addresses are protected and will not be shared with other parties for any reason.
At Villa Cédria we take security seriously. When users make a reservation we use every precaution to safe guard it online and offline.
Policy Modifications
Villa Cédria may amend this Privacy Statement from time to time in order to meet changes in the regulatory environment, business needs, or to satisfy the needs of our guests, properties, strategic marketing partners, and service providers.
If you have any questions about our reservation and deposit policies or procedures, about our lovely guesthouse, or anything else having to do with visiting Villa Cédria, please email info@villacedria.com
Villa Cédria
Willem Zoon
115, Chemin de Vaulongue06480 La Colle-sur-Loup

Home - B&B Villa Cédria
The 3 rooms - Ivoire, Rouge & Verte
Prices - Per room/night
Media - Photo's/Video’s/Tips
Villa - Discover the luxury
Guestbook - Read the experiences
Reservation - Book a room
Route - Map and directions